Jodi Taylor

 Jodi Taylor 's Books

A very well recieved series by Jodi Taylor are the books, featuring tropes. The most popular books are Plan for the Worst, Another Time, Another Place, When Did You Last See Your Father?, Why is Nothing Ever Simple?, The Very First Damned Thing, The Ordeal of the Haunted Room, A Second Chance, And Now For Something Completely Different, Roman Holiday, Hope for the Best, My Name is Markham, The Nothing Girl, Lies, Damned Lies, and History, Christmas Present, Ships and Stings and Wedding Rings, The Battersea Barricades: A Chronicles of St Mary's Short Story, A Perfect Storm, Christmas Past, Dark Light, WHEN A CHILD IS BORN, An Argumentation of Historians, The Long and Short of It, No Time Like the Past, What Could Possibly Go Wrong (The Chronicles of St Mary's Book 6), Little Donkey, A Trail Through Time (The Chronicles of St Mary's), The Something Girl, A Symphony of Echoes, JUST ONE DAMNED THING AFTER ANOTHER, And the Rest Is History, White Silence, The Steam Pump Jump, The Great St Mary's Day Out, which was published in 2022.